Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Journey's infancy stages

Unlike the hula-hoop, slap bracelets or collectible sports trading cards, Social networking, while fun for many, is not a toy without practical use or function. I'm finding more and more through my Google Search for Zen, that it is quite the contrary. The past few months have led to my own personal tipping point, to assess where the gap between talented people, and useful networking tools exists, and how to bridge that gap in an innovative and personal way. The goal - The push to provide the tools and know how to Internet novices, namely boomers whose talents and knowledge have allowed them to miss or avoid (depending on which angle you look at it) learning how to use the Internet effectively. There is just no convincing me that coupling arguably the most talented and contributing generation to walk the planet, with the most far reaching and highly effective information gathering tool in the history of man is not an goal that must simply be met, and met well.

Continuing to create the workshop that will address these issues on a more basic level, along with developing the workshop, I'm going to point out social networking sites, that have piqued my interest not only in their potential ability to get many visitors, but specifically in their application to boomers and other Internet novices. - a site specifically designed to assess your networking strength, and give networking based advice. For those running their own business during turbulent times, and specifically for those who may find themselves out of a job or on the brink of a layoff, very relevant, and most importantly Free (for now).

Today is dedicated to getting workshop materials up and running, while continuing to figure out how to get people in seats, and skills in hands.

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