Monday, April 4, 2011

The Denim of Social Media

There's a wise saying that goes, " In a Gold Rush, you want to be a Levi Strauss" . When the crowds are rushing in to a certain area, you don't just want to join the pack, but find out what the crowd needs, and fill that void. In Strauss' case, he was able to outfit the hordes of Gold Rushers with good quality denim jeans.

Today's flood of attention, investment and time spent on social media begs the question of who and what will be the Levi Strauss and bluenotes of the current rush on social gold.

The need for investors, users and entrepreneurs seems to be that "blackbox" for actually measuring the success of social campaigns and tools. While companies like radian6, matchstick and Facebook (with insights), among others, each possess their own solutions for analyzing social success, it still remains an elusive, and mysterious process, at least to the average on-looker.

The company or innovators that can bring these metrics to the casual observer, the small business under, the brand manager and finally the investor, will, in my opinion have a solution for the masses rushing in to social enterprises, that is worth it's weight in...denim.

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